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Picture of Congregation during Worship

Experience worship in community.

Engage in a faith community.

Mississauga Community Church is a welcoming, Christ-centred community where everyone belongs. As a multicultural, multigenerational congregation, we are engaged in providing relevant experiences and a genuine sense of community for all who interact with us, as we share in support, transformation, and spiritual growth.

Gospel Music

What We Believe

For Salvationists, belief and action have always been intertwined. Our faith and practice are rooted in the Bible, personal experience and the Christian heritage. Salvation Army doctrine is part of that heritage, and it too is built upon the foundation of the biblical text as interpreted by the people of God.

What about my kids?

We love your kids! One of our key values is strengthening family and we offer meaningful activities, events and discipleship programs both on Sundays and throughout the week.  On Sundays our families all begin the worship service together in the sanctuary and part way through, the kids (pre-school through middle school) will be invited to join age-appropriate learning and discovery in a kid friendly space. Our church also has a newly renovated nursery available for parents with children 2 and under.

Teen smiling

Upcoming Sermon Series

Decorated Dinner Table

Unreasonable Hospitality

This series will begin on Thanksgiving Sunday (Oct 13) and will focus on hospitality, radical and unreasonable hospitality! Based on the foundational concepts of Alpha and the book “Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect” by Will Guidara, this series will shape the new direction we are taking at MCC.

Image by Nycholas Benaia

Preacher's Choice

Before we commence our Advent Series of sermons, the speakers each week will be selecting a passage and theme that God has laid upon their hearts: Nov 10 - Major Leslie Wiseman, Nov 17 - Major Doug Binner, Nov 24 - Lieut Mirna.

Image by Dan Kiefer


Advent, the period of preparation and waiting  will begin on December 1 leading up to Christmas. Our sermon series we will explore the story of Emmanuel, "God with us", in new and creative ways.

Picture of Congregation during worship

Can't make it on Sunday?

No worries! Click the button here to join us online and watch our service, livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.


  • The Sunday worship service at the Cawthra site starts at 10:30 am EST.  One of our friendly hosts will meet you in the foyer and be happy to help you find a seat in the sanctuary.

  • Every worship service will include engaging music and congregational singing, scripture readings, and a relevant and thought provoking message from the Bible.  Occasionally there will be a special ceremony, a baby dedication or a seasonal celebration.

  • A typical service lasts about 75-90 minutes, and following every service we’d love you to join us in the lobby for coffee and refreshments.

  • No, there is no dress code. You will find that some are dressed very comfortable and casual and others will be a little more dressed up. Some you will find will be dressed in Salvation Army uniform.  We want you to come in whatever you are comfortable wearing.  Everyone is welcome!

  • Oh yes! There is lots of free parking at all three of our sites, and, if you are visiting for the first time, we have reserved a “visitors parking” spot for you, right outside the front doors.

  • Indeed, each of our three locations are fully wheelchair accessible. Upholding the value of a welcoming community, we, as a congregation, are committed to the journey of achieving complete participation and inclusion for individuals of all abilities.

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