Embracing, engaging, and empowering the future generation.
Geared to families, for all ages.
At Mississauga Community Church, one of our key values is Strengthening Family - that’s why our ministries for kids, teenagers, young adults, parents and caregivers are so important to us! We want our church to be a place where children and youth find a place to connect, belong, and build a strong faith community around them. We are committed to helping them grow and deepen their faith journey, and to giving them opportunities to serve others and make a difference in the world around them. From the littlest member of your crew, to the emerging adults in the family, you’ll find something for everyone at MCC!

What We Offer

Opportunities to Connect & Find Community
Finding a community where you can truly belong is critical in the lives of children and teenagers. We hope you will find that here as you engage in youth group events and small group connections, attend special all-family events or meals, join a musical ensemble, sign up for summer camp or youth retreat weekends, or worship together as a family on Sunday.

Experiences to Grow In Faith
We believe that our faith is deeply personal but also best lived out in community with others! As we journey together with kids and teenagers in their faith, and help them become Christ-centred, we offer meaningful Sunday worship experiences for all ages, weekly small group Bible study and discussion, weekend retreats and camps, group Bible reading and devotional plans through the week, as well as mentoring opportunities.

Moments to Make a Difference
Living a Christ-centred life also means being others-focused! Helping kids and teenagers put hands and feet to their faith in practical ways might look like helping in our food bank or community services office, serving coffee or a meal, volunteering at a neighbourhood family event, or helping with our annual Christmas kettle fundraising campaign.
Affordable music lessons with pro music teachers? We've got you covered!
MCC Music School meets on Thursday evenings and offers ensemble based music instruction in brass, percussion, singing and worship team for kids in elementary, middle and high school. Choir and worship team meet for rehearsal at 6:15-7:00pm, followed by brass and percussion ensembles from 7:00-7:45pm.
Our teachers are local musicians and school music teachers who are committed to helping kids develop their music skills in a Christian environment. Ensembles will have the opportunity to perform in our Sunday worship services and in local retirement residences throughout the year, in addition to two spectacular concerts you won’t want to miss! We are so excited to begin our Fall season on September 19! A registration fee of $20/term includes instrument rental.

We're committed to walking alongside your family, at every step.
Two combined influences are stronger than either influence on its own. That’s why we believe so strongly that the church and the home should work together when it comes to helping kids navigate their faith and the complex world they live in! Our new parent initiative offers parents and caregivers practical resources that help them understand their child at each unique phase of their development, small group classes and seminars where we learn together with other parents, and connection to a support system that is there to help!
Our Fall resource and connection event is Sunday, September 29th following our morning worship service. Pick up your new resource for the new school year, grab a cup of coffee and a sweet, and chat with MCC volunteers and parents.
Children & Youth
Ministries Coordinator